Monday, July 8, 2013

Girls Retreat

My mom and I recently hosted a Girls Retreat at our house. It was so much fun and it went better than we could have ever imagined. My mom teaches a girls Bible study and the book we just finished was called 
Set Apart Femininity by Leslie Ludy.

It is a wonderful book about God's sacred call for all women. It gives girls practical ways to keep God as their First Love and to honor Him in everything they do! I would highly recommend this book.  

Anyway, Leslie, the author of the book spoke at a girls conference in Colorado and my girls Bible study watched a live simulcast in my living room. If you would like to learn more about Leslie and her ministry or you are interested in hosted a simulcast yourself you can visit her website Set Apart Girl

The key to hosting a girls conference in you home is to: 
1. Invite girls who are serious about honoring the Lord and living a set apart life for Him. 
 2. Make them feel welcome.
I made cute note books to hold the conference's notes for all the girls.

3. Make yummy food! :)

Ok seriously tho...this desert was incredible (thank you Pinterest)!

If you want to make this yourself the recipe is found Here.

4. Have the right equipment.

We set up a white screen and a projector in the living room. 

We also bought the notes so everyone could follow along.

5. Decorate!

Our theme colors were pink and green.

We had lilies on the table to represent that we are like "lilies among thorns" from Solomon 2:2.

We all had a wonderful time of friendship and fellowship and we would love to do it again. Big thanks to my Mom who worked so hard to pull it all off. :) 
I hope you are having a wonderful summer! If you have any questions just leave a comment below...if you don't have any questions...still leave a comment below because they make me happy ;)


~Lindsey said...

So thankful that I was able to be a part of this study~ the Lord taught me a lot through it! Hopefully next time I can stay for the whole weekend:)


Ginger Girl said...

You and your mom did a great job decorating, the food looks amazing, and I'm going to try the desert:)
Thank you for the book suggestion my mom is always looking for good girl bible study books.
Keep posting!
Hair Stylist:)

Unknown said...

What an inspiration to younger girls like Taryl who look up to you! I can't wait to let her read your blog & get inspired. We love you Haleigh! You are such a blessing.

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