We have been painting like crazy over here! Last week we had a painting day marathon and basically painted everything in sight.
Our weapon of choice:
I am so excited to show off all our fun projects. Today you get to see "The Beast".
When we moved about 2 years ago this enormous piece of furniture went into our guest house. The wood is not pretty, however my mom thought the bones had potential. So she decided to chalk paint it. We called in the expert (my aunt) to come help us paint the beast and "shabby up" our pitiful guest quarters.
After about 8 hours of work the china cabinet miraculously turned into a shabby chic work of art.
Amazing transformation right?!
(From Beast to Beauty)
With a good coat of paint my grandmother's china seemed to pop much better and all the little details that no one noticed in the hutch before were plain to see.
We ended up painting the doors and back of the hutch a light blue. This gave it so much more character and interest. After all the painting was finished we waxed and sanded the hutch to give it a shabby look. We also added a tiny bit of Annie Sloan dark wax in the creases of the bead board to make it show up a little bit better.
It was so much fun to see our hard work pay off.
If you have any questions or comments I would love to hear them.
Also be sure to follow my blog, pin this hutch on Pinterest and stay tuned for all my other Annie Sloan projects and thrift store finds!
Thanks for stopping by!
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