Lavender anyone??? Today I made a lavender sachet and it was one the easiest most satisfying crafts I have ever made. It turned out so shabby and vintage looking and it only took me about 15 min. :)
First I went on the one and only
Graphic Fairy . If you haven't stopped by that wonderful blog do it right now. It is amazing!!! After being completely overwhelmed by her supply of free vintage graphics I chose this wonderful French Perfume Label.
Yes it is inverted which brings me to the next set of instructions. Print your design on fabric transfer paper (you can buy this at Walmart) and be sure to invert the picture before you print it.
Set your wonderful design aside. Now take some fabric (make sure it fits your design size) fold it over and stitch around it while leaving a small section open to add the lavender later on.
Confessions of a happy crafter: I am NOT a perfectionist as you can see from the picture above. I decided to show you this because most of my crafts look horrible until the finished product.
Moving on... Turn your masterpiece inside out and iron on your transfer following the instructions on the package.
Finally, take some dry lavender and fill your sachet. If you don't have enough you can also put some rice inside to make it more full.
After you fill it, close the opening. ALL DONE!
These lovelies would make a wonderful gift and it would also be fun to make a bunch of different shapes and sizes. Be creative!
P.S. I wish blogger would make a "scratch and sniff button" so you all could smell how yummy my sachet is. :)
Have a wonderful Lord's Day!